The “eight powers” of Tai Chi Chuan

The animation presented below is meant to illustrate the eight ways of power to be demonstrated in Tai Chi. In Chinese, these are called the 'ba men' or "8 gates.' Here, I've attempted to show these 8 different styles that make up 8 of the '13 Postures' of tai chi...

Carnegie-Mellon Tai Chi Form

This 'form' was salvaged from a motion capture library I found earlier this week. The library is apparently a collection of data sets recorded in 2008. No information is given in regard to the identity of the performance artist. The person is doing what appears to be...

Hypercubic X-Stance

The 'basic' step, visualized as a hypercube: Hypercubic X-stance from B dub on Vimeo. Later, it will be possible to visualize movements of the hypercube through 3d space. ~ Consider postures like 扇通背 shan tong bei (Fan Over the Shoulder) We continuously move the...


Hi there! I just wanted to share a video from my Vimeo collection If you are not aware, there are quite a few videos of Xiong Yang-Ho out there on youTube. Xiong (sometimes spelled 'Hsuing') Yang-Ho (sometimes 'Yangho') was the first of TC Hou's tai chi chuan...